
Showing posts from 2017

Quinoa Cuisine Recipe Book

What Is Quinoa? Although quinoa often gets classi ed as a grain, like wheat and barley, it’s actually in the goosefoot family, related to beets, spinach, and chard. The seed of the plant is what’s most commonly consumed. (The leaves also can be eaten, but they’re not commonly found in U.S. stores.) Nutritionists refer to quinoa as a “pseudograin” (along with amaranth and buckwheat) because it has a similar nutritional pro le to true grains and is prepared and served in similar ways.

23 of the Most Divine Christmas Cakes

You can also guide to making these cake here

Food Ideas For Everyone

IDEAS for EVERYONE This section is focused on ideas for everyone. The ingredients are ones we all have in our kitchens and tend to take for granted. Why make vinegar? Because we can make something delicious with unique and exceptional flavors that is not available in stores. You could just let your

How to make Healthy Snacks

This post is meant to assist you in your continued commitment to living a low carb diet, eating healthy snacks, preparing very delicious and tasty low carb recipes that could be made easily and quickly yet result in dishes that the whole family would love. Some of my favorites are the Sausage Jalapenos, South Sea Island Chicken Bites, Kabobs Antipasto, and the Crustless Cheese Quiches. With all this in mind, please enjoy these recipes as well as the other cookbooks 

cook well-eat well-live well

why green, why organic?

Download the Recipe of these 111 Cocktail from the bars of London

Download the Recipe  of these 111 Cocktail from the bars of London